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Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News

Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News by Liu Yikun

Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News

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Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News Liu Yikun ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 240
Publisher: Images Publishing Dist Ac
ISBN: 9781864706499

Journalists and designers still experiment. Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News Liu Yikun, Dong Zhao. Data journalism design is a new form of visual communication that is refined from data visualisation and news design. Visual Storytelling:Infographic Design in News. $39.95 One of the most effective ways is to use dynamic infographics and data visualizations. This book is a must-have for professional designers and design students, or those readers who are interested in compelling visual storytelling through design. Data Visualization: This is one day in a series that takes the news from one Data Visual How To, Design Data, Handy Infographic, Секрет Успеха, Infographic / Visual Storytelling: New Language for the Information Age | Brain Pickings. Visual storytelling styles are yet undefined. This is the first monograph by New York–based architecture and interior design firm Janson Goldstein. Showcases IMAGES' strong talent for providing current trends in visual information trends and Visual Storytelling: Infographic Design in News Hardcover.

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